Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hands off the kid

There have been a lot of arguments over here lately. Most of them center on one thing, or one very small person. Despite my claims that he is “All mineminemine!”, I am constantly having to fend off sneak attacks from other family members who try to steal Jack. Jay and Ella and Chris all seem to feel like they should get an opportunity to hold or touch Jack. Like what the HELL? Chris says things like, "Um... He's my son, too you know" and Ella crowds against my side for top of the head kisses and baby shoulder caresses. Jay wants to sing and dance and read his favorite books to Jack. I argue that he is my prize for nine months of pregnancy and several hours of labor. Chris argues that he suffered through my pregnancy, too. Whatever. I’ll have to think up a really important errand to send everyone on in a few minutes… In fact, I think I need corn. Fresh corn on the cob. Picked by the kids. At a u-pick field. In southern Illinois. And then… Texas watermelon.

Chris getting his weekly allowance of Jack time:

Aw... isn't that sweet. Now that's enough. Unhand the kid.


  1. Really, what the hell?

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    People can be so unreasonable.....MT

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Um, Missy, a post please. After all, you are at home relaxing right?
