Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sure the post sucks, but look! I've got pictures!

I’ve approximately two point seven minutes to write while Jack sleeps and Chris has Jay and Ella running errands. And suddenly, my mind is blank. Despite having stored blog posts in my head for weeks (they were really, really well thought out and funny and poignant, too! Honest!) suddenly I cannot think of a single thing to write. It reminds me of a word game that my dad and I used to play when I was growing up. The game had no rules and was simply a volley of unrelated words that went back and forth until someone ran out of words, usually me. He would say something like “apple.” I would reply “porcelain” he would counter with “remarkable” I might respond with “foundation” and so on until one of us (usually sooner rather than later) would completely run out of words, our minds devoid of even a single word. Of course there were no rules to the game, so periodically and rather arbitrarily, one of us would simply declare ourselves the winner. Then we would play again.

So as I sit here with the clock ticking away, my mind is a complete blank. Jack’s birth story? Jay and Ella’s recent antics? Visits with Grandma and Grandpa? The harrowing tale of how I heroically saved us from doom and chaos when the minivan locked us all inside it’s sweltering oven-like vault on a 95 degree day, (spoiler warning) only to realize that I hadn’t taken the van out of gear when trying to park it? Eh.



Goat Cheese!

I lose.


  1. Hairball.

    Eek!! Smiling picture! He's so cute. I especially love that second one, something about his eyes with that blanket and the look on his face. Melting.

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Hi Dear,
    Just to clarify, for those who don't know the rules (as we imagine them)I will explain: apples and goat cheese are both things to be eaten.
    Hrump! Now everyone will be playing.
