Thursday, September 01, 2011

We made it!

We made it through our first day of school...

To make sure this day was extra special, Ella and I got busy baking surprise first day of school cupcakes today:

I think they were a hit...


  1. Wait. Did he sing the Sid the Science Kid song? Because if not, he is seriously remiss. His mom is COOL.
    Congratulations on your new kindergartener! I love all the posts - they describe the feelings exactly. Though 4K isn't quite the same, the feelings are similar.
    Just one problem with the last few entries - there are no pictures of Jack! What?!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad all went well with his first day.

  3. So, you had me spoiled for a day there. Post more!
    We are long overdue for a chat. I'll try calling you on my way to class...
