Tuesday, April 17, 2012

More Gardening!

Today we filled the raised beds with compost and top soil, mulched the space between the beds, and found the strawberries. In addition to pulling the weeds that were covering the patch, we discovered several strawberry plants had crept out into the surrounding area, so I dug them up and carted them back to the strawberry patch, where I told them they would be very happy. Very happy. Why would anyone want to leave? I did sort of feel like Kathy Bates in Misery. Only without the sledge hammer or creepy fanaticism over an injured novelist...

Anyway. We still have a lot of work to do. Across from the raised beds, where there is grass now, we will till up the ground, spread compost and plant corn, beans and squash. The raspberries need weeding, and we have to sow seeds in the raised beds. Then, we have another entire garden plot to plan, prepare and plant. The plot that adjoins our current one (I was standing in it to take this picture) is now ours (!) giving us one long plot.

I am giddy with garden possibilities. More tomatoes! Carrots! Beets! Spinach! Broccoli! Potatoes! Swiss Chard! Hooray! Also, more tilling, weeding and watering. Okay by me.

In other news, we think Jack may have Roseola and we have a condo showing tomorrow. Double shit. I’ve come to loathe showings. Granted, in theory every time we have a showing there is a possibility that we could sell the condo. But in reality, we spend hours organizing, cleaning, scrubbing, and detailing. We get stressed out, are liable to snap at the kids, and run around like chickens with our heads cut off as we try to prevent the kids from undoing all of the work we just did. We breathlessly dash out of the condo just before the scheduled showing and then… nothing. So, I have come to temper my expectations when we get a request for a showing. But we still clean and prep the condo till it shines. This time we are a bit hamstrung , though, as Jack has a fever of 103 and is only comfortable when nestled in my arms. Trust me, I’m not complaining about having to hold him, but, it does make it even harder for us to get the condo show ready. Since he has been fussy and lethargic but has no other symptoms, we suspect Roseola. Both Jay and Ella had it right about this age. We’ll watch for the tell tale rash in a few days.

Here’s hoping for an offer on the condo, fast healing for Jack and more superb gardening weather.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Your gardeniong sounds wonderful. Good luck on the showing and hope that Little Jack is feeling better. You are back at the top of my favorites list!! MT
