Monday, November 26, 2012

Hey. 'Sup? Nothing. You? Same.

Hey there.  I don’t like to start a blog post with an apology for being errant, but it’s been, like, months or something since I’ve posted, and I sorta feel compelled to apologize and promise to write more regularly. Probably that would be a lie, but I feel compelled to do it anyway.  So.  Sorry.  My conference for work is over.  It was a resounding success.  Now my spare time can be put to other uses.  And instead of trying to capture what has happened since my last update, I’ll just post what is on my mind now: I’m going to see the Nutcracker!  With Ella! 

We’re going on a date- just us girls.  We’re going to do lunch and to see the Nutcracker and we’re going to put on pretty, frilly dresses and paint our toenails and drink tea and... I’ll have to google other girly stuff to do... because I just ran out of ideas.  I think the boys are staying home to drink soda and burp.  Ella and I are so pumped.  I think the boys are pumped, too.


  1. oh wow! That sounds so perfect! enjoy it! (ps. I miss you. blog and otherwise.)

  2. What a cool thing for you and your little dancer to see! She's going to love it.
    Happy Holidays to all of you :-)
