Friday, January 23, 2015

Scenes from the Office, Part 2

An exchange I had with a coworker this morning:

Me: “Coworker X, this report you prepared is fantastic! I’ve never seen it before. Who was the intended audience?”

Coworker X: “I’d like to think you've seen it before. Intended audience was staff, committee X and committee Y. We ‘discussed’ it on a staff call. It went like this:

Network coordinator: Coworker X has prepared a memo she would like to talk about.  

Coworker X : Thanks, network coordinator. Did everyone see that report? I posted it on our intranet along with a note asking folks to take a look and think through it a bit for today's call. So first, did the conclusions I reached strike you as true?

Rest of staff on conference call: ….   

Coworker X: ... Or did anyone have any insights?

Rest of staff on conference call: ….

Coworker X:... Should I go through the findings?

Rest of staff on conference call: ….  

Coworker X: ... Well why don't I just do that.  

Rest of staff on conference call: ….  

Coworker X: The upshot is [recites upshot].

Rest of staff on conference call: ….  

Coworker X: …What do you all think?...

Rest of staff on conference call: ….

Network coordinator: Okay, well if anyone does have any thoughts about it, just let Coworker X know.   


Me: I see. From now on, you should probably just go ahead and post all of your reports on Facebook. That’ll make sure they’re read during staff conference calls.


  1. what can I say? I was cruising "next blog" and this popped up, and I stopped to read about the cheese and now I think I may be hooked. I hope you havent disappeared...this is wonderful stuff, truly

  2. this is a wonderful site, from the cheese to the bike commute. I almost want to live in wisconsin, but NH is sorta like that anyway...thank you for this.
