Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coffee coffee coffee

It sure seemed like a good idea to have four cups of coffee on an empty stomach this morning but now that I am talking and thinking at a thousand miles a minute and can’t stop my hands from shaking and hey look at that over there, is that a silver dollar? No it’s a toaster, but it’s still shiny and do you think that caffeine gets in breastmilk, like immediately, or does it wait until the caffeine high has passed and did anybody else think it was weird that the actress who played the mother in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air was switched out halfway through the series, I mean, come ON, who didn’t notice that those were two completely different women? Like in Bewitched? When they changed out the father?

Because caffeine always increases my efficiency, here is a bulleted pointed list of life lately:

-Jay: still five. Is a quick study on “how to be late to everything.” I am so very proud. This morning I taught him how invaluable a good hard sprint can be to beat the school bell.

-Ella: still three. Has developed an inexplicable love for princesses and bugs. Well, the bug part I can explain. Is really funny, but is also as stubborn as I am. Dang.

-Jack: still smushy nom nom nom love love love.

Oh no, here comes the caffeine crash.. wu huh? [Headkeyboard]

Dhklsdjchfsldkynmcxlcn AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


  1. girl, you funny. :)

  2. I don't like when shows switch characters, such as Aunt Viv, like we won't notice. It's kind of insulting, haha. One was more hip while the new Aunt Viv was frumpy. Lame.

    Glad all is well with you.

  3. LOL I know this feeling all too well on mornings I drink way too much coffee. But oh do I love my coffee in the morning. LOL

  4. sir, this is a good blog. I like it very much.
