Thursday, October 20, 2011

It’s Just Thursday

It’s not our wedding anniversary. It’s not his birthday or Valentines Day or Sweetest Day. It’s not the anniversary of some date in our relationship that means something to us, but no one else. It’s just Thursday.

It’s Thursday. And today, like most days, I woke up to a cup of hot coffee on the nightstand and the sounds of Chris cleaning and talking to the kids, explaining some this or some that. That is not why I am writing. He was awesome this morning, just like he is awesome every morning, and has been for the more than ten years we have been together. I am lucky.

I have a spouse who, when I screw up, he says, “It’s o.k., I understand.”
When I am in a black hole of confusion and have lost my way forward, says, “I believe in you.”
When things aren’t going right at work, and I can’t solve all of the problems of the organization, and I cry tears of frustration, he listens quietly and nods supportively.
When I say, “I just need a break,” he says, “How about tonight?”

I am incredibly lucky. I am thankful to him. And I am thankful for just Thursdays.