Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Happy Birthday, Ella!

Yesterday I interviewed Ella, on her last day, EVER, of being a four year old:

1.Name? Ella Gavin
2.How old are you? Four. Or should I say five? I’m not sure because I am going to be five soon. Tomorrow
3.Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate
4.Favorite dinner? Tacos
5.Favorite color? Pink
6.Favorite place to swim? Our condo pool
7.Favorite outfit? The one I invented
8.What do you want to be when you grow up? A princess
9.Favorite book? Um, I don’t have one
10.Favorite thing to play with Jay? “Cat”, where Jay is Garfield and I am Normal, and he pretends to mail me.
11.Favorite thing to play without Jay? I like to play with Jack
12.Favorite song? “You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone”
13.Favorite breakfast? Uncle Sam’s cereal
14.Favorite thing to do as a four year old? Sing songs and dance
15.Favorite butterfly? Monarch
16.Favorite bird? I don’t have one
17.Favorite tree? Willow
18.Favorite place to be? Grandma’s house
19.Favorite activity? Catching butterflies and dragonflies
20.Favorite movie? Garfield
21.First thing you like to do when you wake up in the morning? Come in and snuggle with Mama
22.What do you want to do in the coming year? Go to the Children’s Museum
23.Proudest accomplishment this year? Making that little shaky thing (Moody jar)
24.Where would you like to visit before you are 100 years old? Italy, because it’s a fun place.
25.Where do you want to go to college? Where you guys went to college. Where was that? University of Madison?
26.Favorite fruit? Pear
27.Daily fruit and vegetable goal? Five
28.Favorite animal? Cheetahs, because they can run fast. Faster than people!
29.If you could have a super power, what would it be? The power to lift up buildings
30.What is your birthday wish? To have long golden hair

I would love to interview the kids each birthday and see how their answers change over the years.  I am especially hoping that the answers to numbers 8 and 9 change...

Happy 5th birthday, kiddo!


  1. OMG I missed her birthday! I am so sorry! Happy birthday Ella! I love your cake! I can't wait to see you soon. Love you!

  2. Happy birthday, Ella! I love this idea btw - going to steal it for my kids' baby books :-)

    Also, WAY impressed with your DIY remodeling skills, Missy. Looks amazing!
