Tomorrow is national honey bee day, and I haven’t even started to plan. Is this a big thing? Do they know about this holiday and have been hoping I would get them just the right gift? Will my bees all need party hats? If so, I have to get started because that’ll be like 60,000 party hats and tiny party favor bags. Maybe I’ll just make one for the queen. Or would that be elitist? She always gets all the good stuff anyway, like royal jelly and attendants to fawn over her. And I guess the holiday is National Honey Bee day not National Queen Bee Only day. They all deserve a little something… am I right? But what do I give to the honey bee who has everything?
My honey bees are doing well and I have fallen head over heels for these winged creatures. As summer slowly winds down, I will start harvesting and extracting honey from my hives, something I didn’t expect to do as a first year beekeeper. They’ve done well at Equinox Farms, enjoying the acres of organic blossoms from fruit trees and berries and squash plants and clover fields and sunflowers and goldenrod and more, gorging themselves at the honey bee all you can eat buffet. Soon I’ll remove one of the top hive bodies (a super) and take it home to extract the honey and melt down the excess wax for candles and to use again for next year’s hives. The learning curve has been huge and I still have so much to learn, but I am in deep, you guys.
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